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Our School Structure

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)/Key Stage 1

Within this stage, we have four classes - one EYFS, one Yr1 class and two Yr1/Yr2 classes.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Continual teacher assessment, agreement trialling, our own assessment on entry and completion of the Foundation Profile are carried out in the Foundation stage leading towards children meeting their Early Learning Goals. 

Key Stage One

Within Key Stage 1, all teachers collaborate closely to deliver a parallel curriculum, fully in line with current the National Curriculum.

In class, children might also be supported individually, or in small groups, according to their needs, ability and progress. Mrs Hart, Inclusion Lead, ensures that additional learning support for children is provided when required.

In Key Stage One, teacher assessment, and summative testing help identify the individual needs of the children, and support the planning of programmes of study appropriate for each child. All Year 1 pupils complete the phonics test. Pupils are tracked through the Key Stage to ensure they always make the best progress possible.

We have high expectations of our learners, and aim to foster a love of learning across the curriculum.

Key Stage Two

In Key Stage Two, the children are arranged in three classes of lower juniors and three classes of upper juniors. They are taught according to the National Curriculum Guidelines. All phases work closely together to ensure consistently high standards of teaching and learning are met.

Our inclusive curriculum is adapted and developed, wherever possible, to meet the needs of our children.

Pupils’ progress is monitored closely throughout their learning journey, and teacher assessments and summative assessment shape both our curriculum and pedagogy.

Secondary Selection

At the end of Year 6, the pupils leave All Souls' School. There is a county procedure for transfer to Secondary School which is followed by all Kent schools. Details of this will be made available to all parents at the appropriate time.

The schools normally considered by parents are:

  • The Harvey Grammar School (Selective Boys)
  • The Folkestone School for Girls (Selective Girls)
  • Brockhill Park Academy
  • The Folkestone Academy
  • Turner Free School

We have close links with our local secondary schools to make the move onto the next school as easy as possible. There are procedures in place for children who may need additional support with the transition; Mrs Hart liaises closely with the secondary schools to access this support where appropriate.