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Support for charities and good causes helps pupils to understand and to respond to the needs of others.

SIAMS Report – January 2020

Money Raised 2023 - 2024

Place 2 Be

Thank you for all your donations. We raised £157.05.

Royal British Legion

Thank you all so much for also supporting our Poppy Appeal. We raised £67.01 for the Royal British Legion.



Children in Need

We raised an amazing £273.30 for Children in Need! Thank you all for supporting this fundraising event. Your generosity will help so many children!

Macmillan Cancer Support

We are pleased to let you know that we raised £65.67 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to everyone that came to our coffee morning and enjoyed our after-school cake sale in aid of this very important cause.

Young Minds

Thank you to all our parents/carers and children for your donations on ‘Hello Yellow’ day. We raised a fabulous £137.48 for such a great cause. 


Thank you for your continuing support.