Caterpillars - Term 3
Week beginning 10th February
Take a look at our writing from this week...
Week beginning 20th January
Week beginning 13th January
Welcome back Caterpillars!
Our learning this term is based on our theme of...
During our history lessons, we will discover what it was like in the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth and learn about the life of Mary Anning and her connection to prehistoric life.
Our science sessions will focus on the properties of materials and how materials can be shaped. We will use this knowledge in our Art lessons, manipulating clay to create sculptures of dinosaur eyes! We will also be exploring stop-motion animation, getting ready to create our own dinosaur films next term.
Please click on the links below to see all our Wider Curriculum learning this term.
As always, we have daily maths, maths fluency and phonic lessons as well as daily English lessons. We will be using the following books within our English lessons this term...
Our P.S.H.E. theme this term is 'Dreams and Goals'. Here is our Jigsaw Jack learning journey for this term...
A few reminders...
Please take time to hear your child read each day and record in the reading log every time you do. Please also take time to practise new letter sounds and tricky words. Further books and games are available on the Phonic Bug website. If you need support to acces the site, please don't hesitate to ask.
P.E. day is still Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit on this day and to remove or tape up earrings.
We do spend a good amount of the day outside. With the colder weather, please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for play/ out of class activities with a warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves. As always, please do label all your child's belongings to help return any items that go astray.
Home learning activities can be found on the Home Learning page of the website. A paper copy of the home learning grid for Term 3 will be sent home this week. Aim for at least 4 activities from the grid to receive a certificate at the end of term. Weekly maths activities will be set by Mrs Chapman (Year 1) and Mrs Walker (Year 2).
We are looking forward to a fantastic term of learning. If you have any questions, worries or concerns, please do get in touch.