Stars of the Week - 11.10.24

Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week!
Stars of the Week are:-
- Ladybirds - Zara H for being super helpful.
- Bumblebees - Reggie C for showing a very good understanding of 'greater than and less than' in maths.
- Caterpillars - Jitesh R for excellent effort with his reading.
- Fireflies - Hayden P for showing some fabulous independent learning in class.
- Dolphins - Wyatt D for trying his best in all learning.
- Sharks - Lily C for always showing respect in class and showing confidence to try new things at rugby.
- Stingrays - Emmie J for always trying her best in lessons and helping with classroom jobs.
- Turtles - Izzy H for always working hard and writing an excellent newspaper report.
- Orcas - Jax S for good work all week.
- Penguins - Myla M for always being helpful to adults and children in the class.