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Stars of the Week - 4.10.24

Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week!

Stars of the Week are:-

  • Ladybirds - Grace C for trying really hard with her writing this week.
  • Bumblebees - Aathya N for lovely singing in church.
  • Caterpillars - Ivy-Rose S for having such a positive attitude to her learning.
  • Fireflies - Ted F for showing a great attitude in class and making excellent attempts with his handwriting.
  • Dolphins - Kristina R for always trying hard and being cheerful.
  • Sharks - Frankie W for his excellent attitude to learning and amazing ideas in English.
  • Stingrays - Toni J for being a kind and caring member of Stingrays.
  • Turtles - Lily Y for her hard work and effort.
  • Orcas - Loreen G for good work this week.
  • Penguins - Josh G for consistently showing kindness to others.