Stars of the Week - 6.12.24
Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week!
Stars of the Week are:-
- Ladybirds - Ronnie W for his super gymnastics.
- Bumblebees - Ahmet K for trying hard with his reading and writing this week.
- Caterpillars - Bear C for excellent effort this week.
- Fireflies - Violet M for her amazing attitude to learning. Superstar!
- Dolphins - Kallie H for trying hard with her writing this week.
- Sharks - Ella F for very good learning in maths.
- Stingrays - Mursalin S for having a positive attitude to learning and working hard on his presentation skills.
- Turtles - Mrinali M for her brilliant work ethic.
- Orcas - Violet R for amazing effort in English.
- Penguins - Evelyn Y for her work in maths on fractions.